Corporate Learning & Development Courses to Unleash Your Inner Light.
Courses available in the following categories
Set the foundation for professional success.
Improve your presentation skills to better engage your audience.
Improve your management skills through improved listening skills.
Manage Others
Be the type of manager others want to work for.
Manage Self
Increase productivity and self-awareness for growth.
Lead a Team
Transition from being a manager to being a leader.
Inspire colleagues with your approach and presence.
Refresh your mind and body.
Career Coaching
Your career is a large part of your life and who you are. You have the education, the skills and the motivation. However, you are at an impasse in your career and are looking to gain control over your own destiny. Fireflyhigh provides the coaching support you need to enjoy a more fulfilling career journey.
Musings about how increased EQ and emotional intelligence can drive professional growth.