Your career is a journey,
not a destination
Looking for a new job.
Whether you are a recent graduate looking for your first job, or someone who has been in the workforce a while but is looking for a new and better opportunity, you need support in making sure you are seeking the right opportunities for your long-term career goals.
Want a promotion.
You have the skills. You have proven yourself time after time. Your work is valued by your organization. You have been loyal to your organization. However, you feel like career progress is not happening at the rate you desire. You need support to generate forward momentum that will propel you to accomplish more and move further up your career goal ladder.
Thinking of new career.
As we grow and change, so do our needs and desires. Many of us find ourselves in careers that we loved in the beginning, but now leave us feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. Yet, we are “stuck” because we feel it would be irresponsible to walk away from the career we have worked hard to build and the nice paycheck that goes along with it. You need both support to repurpose your skills, and drive to go after a new career that will better fit who you are today and who you want to be tomorrow.
Your career is a large part of your life and who you are. You have the education, the skills and the motivation. However, you are at an impasse in your career and are looking to gain control over your own destiny. Fireflyhigh provides the career coaching support you need to take your career to new heights.
What are the benefits of working with a career coach?
From personal trainers to financial advisors. From nutritionists to therapists. From wedding planners to interior designers. The list goes on and on. We surround ourselves with the right resources to achieve our goals. If you are looking to take your career further, a career coach can help you with the following:
Clarify an inspiring vision for your career and define strategies to achieve both short-term and long-term career goals
Find the intersections of your skills, your interests, your passions and your experience to identify or create career options with larger personal significance
Overcome limiting beliefs that are impeding forward movement
Find your personal brand and ways of marketing yourself so other see you as you see yourself
Actively work to align your personal values and unique definition of success to live the life you want
Career coaching is dynamic. As your coach, I will be your partner in finding a more fulfilling path for your career. Interested in Learn more about the career coaching process and pricing?
How does career coaching work?
The Fireflyhigh Career Coaching process is personalized to each individual, as no one person and career situation are alike. Career coaching will be done one-on-one with clients in person or via video-conference. Each coaching session will last one hour and the level of upfront commitment is up to you. The following are 5 general steps that are part of the career coaching process loop:
I will learn as much as I can about you. By completing a Career Reconnaissance form, I will discover where you have been, where you are, and where you want to go.
Based on your higher-order vs short-term needs, we will define your over-arching long-term career goal and the smaller short-term career goals that will feed into it.
During each coaching session, we will explore, question, and agree on action steps that you can take as you design the career and life you want to live.
You will deploy the action steps and as your coach, I will be your accountability partner to ensure that you are taking the agreed upon actions.
Each coaching session will begin with a review of the steps you took since your last coaching session. We will use these learnings to optimize future action plans.