Destress At Your Desk
One in five employees calling out sick are actually "sick" with stress. One in two office workers will lose an hour or more in productivity every day because they are too stressed to be effective.
Fortunately, we can break the stress cycle with simple and effective practices that are accessible to us any time, anywhere. Destress At Your Desk introduces mindfulness, meditation and body awareness as stress-management tools for busy professionals. In addition to learning about and discussing research and best practices, attendees will experience a guided meditation, enjoy some office-friendly stretching, and leave with printable one-sheets for ongoing support.
As a result, you will have strong foundation to develop and personalize a more mindful, productive and satisfying approach to your professional and personal life.
What You Will Learn
Manage Stress
Research-backed training on mindful stress-management.
Improve Productivity
How to set boundaries and improve productivity while reducing stress.
Build Awareness
Mind, body and breath awareness tools for stress intervention.
Meditation Techniques
Mindful meditation techniques including breath-based mediation.
60 minutes
Presentation for up to 25 participants