Influence & Persuade
Great ideas do not sell themselves. Real ground-breaking thinking is often unproven and can be scary to buy into. These great ideas are rejected because the idea is not presented in an influential manner.
The greater the idea, the harder you have to work to actually present it in a manner that will inspire action. Influence & Persuade will teach participants a variety of persuasion tactics to get others to say “yes.” That is plural on the word tactics. Meaning there is more than one way to influence your audience. Knowing all the options at our disposal, we can choose the right one for each situation.
As a result, you will convince others to move forward with your recommendations and ideas.

What You Will Learn
Understand the six principles of influence and how to use each effectively.
How to win over an audience and build consensus when pitching new ideas.
How to present ideas confidently and persuasively.
How to determine which persuasion tactic to use in different situations,
3 hours
Workshop for up to 10 participants
Managers, Directors, VPs