Mindful Leadership
The word “mindfulness” brings up visions of a guru up on a mountaintop chanting om. Does it have a place in the hard-hitting business world?
A leader that practices mindfulness will be better at managing themselves and managing their team. Mindful Leadership will teach participants mindfulness-based strategies to lead with awareness. You will understand the effects leader behavior has on others. And review tools to sharpen your leadership style.
As a result, you will be a strong leader that finds more meaning and balance while inspiring others to do the same.

What You Will Learn
Behavior Patterns
How to identify and improving their behavior patterns that may limit your leadership.
How to prioritize between what is urgent and what is important.
How to listen with empathy and speak your truth fast.
Conflict Management
How to embrace/reframe conflict to generate better outcomes.
60 minutes
Presentation for up to 25 participants
Managers, Directors, VP
Lead a Team